Word of God
When someone we love dies, we often find that words are inadequate.
We struggle to express our grief and our sense of helplessness in the face of the mystery of death.
We can allow the Word of God to speak to us at this time. In our funeral liturgies, texts of readings, prayers and hymns comfort us with the reminder that God is with us at every stage in our journey of life and especially in death, when ‘life is changed, not ended’ (Preface of Christian Death I).
The parish communities of St. Mary’s & Holy Family wish to express its deep sympathy with you at this time. You will be in our thoughts and prayers over the coming days and weeks.

The Funeral Liturgies
The funeral liturgies can be a very helpful step in the grieving process. There are usually three:
- The Rite of Reception (the Removal)
- The Funeral Mass
- The Rite of Committal (at the cemetery or crematorium)
Family members and friends may wish to take part in the preparation and planning of these liturgies. This booklet is designed to invite you fully into this process.
The Rite of Reception is a short, simple ceremony. There is one reading from Scripture and a psalm. The priest will then read a Gospel of his choosing and will lead the community in prayer before people approach the family with their sympathies.
The Funeral Mass takes place the following day. The Liturgy of the Word is as follows:
- The First Reading, which is from the Old Testament, is read.
- The Responsorial Psalm is sung – if this is not possible, it may be read.
- The Second Reading, which is from the New Testament, is read.
- After the Gospel and homily (which the priest will prepare) there are Prayers of the Faithful.
Bereavment Booklet
This booklet will help you in the task of choosing readings which speak to you in your grief and to compose suitable prayers. The staff of St Mary’s/Holy Family parish will be glad to discuss any aspect of the funeral liturgies with you and to help and assist you in any way possible. We hope that these ceremonies will be a time of prayer for your loved one and a time of consolation and hope for you.

Funeral Arrangements
We are very sorry to hear of the death of your loved one.
Arrangements can be made, along with your Funeral Director through the Parish Office